In addition to a very well equipped control room, Pyramid Sound features a live room with three iso booths-- all of which have been built with acoustic perfection in mind. Both the live room and the control room are built on sand and separated from one another in order to avoid excessive bleed and vibrations. Each space is patchable to any other room via both instrument and speaker cable. With great acoustics and flexibility, our set up fosters maximum creativity.

Many have commented on what a treat it is to make music in our live room.
It fosters maximum creativity and is truly a beautiful sounding room.

Many have commented on what a treat it is to make music in our live room.
It fosters maximum creativity and is truly a beautiful sounding room.

Our Iso Booths are patchable to each other, the main room, and the control room. This allows for maximum flexibility when tracking.

Our Iso Booths are patchable to each other, the main room, and the control room. This allows for maximum flexibility when tracking.

Our control room features a 48 channel Neve VR console with modified mic pres. We also have a vast array of both legacy and contemporary outboard
compressors, gates, equalizers and effects.

Our control room features a 48 channel Neve VR console with modified mic pres. We also have a vast array of both legacy and contemporary outboard
compressors, gates, equalizers and effects.

Our Studer tape machines can be locked to protools for maximum flexibility. The warmth of analogue tape need not be sacrificed for the convenience of sampling and editing.